Bulk Sender

Send cryptocurrency and ERC-20 tokens to multiple addresses in 1 minutes

What is BulkSender?

CoinFactory multisender is a DApp that allows you to send cryptocurrency and ERC20/BEP20 tokens to multiple of addresses

Get started

Follow our step-by-step guide how to send tokens to multiple recipients:

Step 1. Go to bulk sender page: https://coinfactory.app/bulk-sender

Connect the wallet from which you want to send tokens and choose network

Step 2. Choose token

Enter address of ERC-20 token you want to send or select native currency (ETH, BNB, MATIC)

Step 3. List of recipients

Then you need to insert the list of addresses and amounts. Each line will be defined as one recipient. Address and amount must separated with comma as in example below:

0xCC066e87411B38d7E952c2373F762060A23D8B31, 0.001
0x23099e23Af03021654b555EbBD7127cc20C1A294, 0.0015
0xc9f9EdD96aD122F5ae67C97Bf97014a123F4fA16, 0.002

You can also import a file with a list of addresses and amounts. For instance, to import addresses from Google Sheets you should download file in csv extension: File -> Download -> Comma separated values (.csv)

Step 4. Approve tokens (ERC-20 tokens only)

Because BulkSender use smartcontracts to execute transactions, you must give permission for the smartcontract to transfer up to a certain amount of your token (called an allowance). The smartcontract will only ever be able to transfer the amount of token you approve. This is done, in part, as a security measure for ERC20 token holders.

Press "Check approval" to check the amount of tokens are allowed for transfer. To perform an approval you should send transaction that cost some network commission (gas)

Step 5. Send tokens

Press "Multisend button" to succeed bulk transfer. You need to have enough ETH balance to cover service fee and network commission

Congratulation! Your tokens are sent to recipients addresses.

Last updated